"Happy tak duduk sini?" asked Pak Cik Mokhtar. No word can express how grateful I am that our lines crossed one year ago, and for the fact that God has written this place as one of the destiny of my long journey. "Happy hehe" Too happy to describe my feeling that I actually lost my word. If it's really up to me, I would choose not to leave. "Jadi, inilah keluarga arkeologi kami. Very small. Kita buat semua daripada A sampai Z." I smiled at him. The fact that we are a small group of Malaysians who are passionate in working on this underrated field is the reason why we are a very close-knit family. Who would have guessed, this small family that I have got to know for barely a month could have made me cry on my last day of internship at the office. Ehem, I am not a good storyteller, so bear with me as I share with you the things I did during my four weeks of internship. During the first week, we were organising an internat...
A good life is not all about having pleasing moments, but how we make the moments pleasurable.