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Showing posts from June, 2020

Of Humanity #2: Bangsa Manusia

Cuba korang bayangkan... Disebabkan pandemik covid-19 ni, kita takut nak keluar rumah. Sebab bila keluar, kita takut kita  akan terkena jangkitan virus yang tengah menular ni, lepas tu jatuh sakit. Tapi pernah tak korang terfikir, ada orang yang sepanjang hidup dia memang sentiasa takut nak keluar rumah, malah sebelum adanya penularan wabak ni lagi memang diorang dah rasa macam tu? Bagi aku, mungkin tu la perasaannya kalau jadi golongan minoriti di sesetengah tempat; when you're a black in America, when you're an Uyghur in China, when you're an Asian in European countries, when you're a Muslim among a community who look at Muslims as terrorists. Sedihnya, hidup takut-takut macam tu. Rasa takut nak berhadapan dengan orang bukan disebabkan ada risiko jatuh sakit, tapi sebab ada risiko yang korang mungkin menghembuskan nafas terakhir bila korang keluar. Aku rasa aku ni kira bertuah la kan, sebab hidup dalam negara yang boleh kira selamat, sebagai rakyat majoriti pulak tu....

Contentment in Calamity

I couldn't take my eyes off the words written on the screen. I couldn't help smiling while reading it over and over again. It had even made me put aside another work of Jeffrey Archer - A Twist in the Tale - that I've been reading for the past week. Despite the fact that our (supposedly) first meeting couldn't go on as planned, just hearing from the person I had looked forward to meet just made it up. We have never seen each other face to face; but I can still sense the warmth accompanying the message.  Dear Hamizah,  I do hope this finds you well, in good health and optimistic. I have been thinking about you and imagining how the last couple of months must have been extremely trying, coinciding with the final year of your degree course and all that it entails.   I was extremely touched; probably would've been crying had I not read it in the living room with all my family members around. I have slowly recovered from the hard time moving on from everything that I...

Get(ting) Over Things

Naja.  Das Leben ist nicht einfach. Es ist schwer und ermüdend.  Geduld und Dankbarkeit , no matter how many times I have heard of it before; no matter how many times I have talked about it, ist leichter gesagt als getan. I realise that some of my posts for the past few months have been a bit sloppy and gloomy - this might be just another one of the kind; I wish getting over things is as simple as telling myself, "get over it je lah, duniawi je semua ni uhuk" But of course, I have to put this here because life is not a bed full of roses; neither it is a garden full of thorns, and I can't express enough how important it is to manage negative thoughts by being aware of it and acknowledging what was going on. So, here it goes.  I was a bit sad (again) as the fasting month brought its curtain down - not because Ramadhan was leaving, but because I was yet to move on from the fact that these unanticipated things happened. I have never thought that I would find it quite dif...