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This Worldly Life

Closed my eyes. Breathed in.

“So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?”                                             
[Ar-Rahman, 55:13]

Breathed out. Opened my eyes.

I think I have been spending too much time in this busy big town that I need a real escape from the hustle and bustle of the City*. A real escape, simply means a getaway to an idyllic and tranquil place, to at least give some wonders of peace to my mind.

This weekend breakout is definitely a breath-taking one. I feel closer to ‘home’, for some reasons. I definitely won’t regret saying ‘yes’ to go for a day trip to Brighton in the midst of a huge pile of readings and essays that need to be done.

After visiting the Brighton Museum and Art Gallery, we went to Al-Medinah Mosque to perform our Zuhr and Asar prayer. This is one of the best mosque I have ever been. Even though there is no domes or minarets, just one of the buildings among other houses on that street, this mosque has provide excellent facilities and a comfortable atmosphere. It is very clean, equipped with a toilet, and the best part is it’s a toilet with a bidet spray! We are so grateful that it is a proper mosque, because it’s not easy to find a proper place to pray in London, at every single place that you go. Hence this one is definitely a blessing J

We left the mosque for the beach at around quarter to two, and walked towards the pebble stone beach that we can see from afar (it wasn’t a sandy beach like the ones we have in Malaysia though).
Living in the city, I can’t deny I am a bit too occupied with modern technologies in this globalised world.

I looked at the beautiful buildings, thinking how remarkable the architect is.

Wow, that bridge is so amazing! The engineers must be very skillful!

Look at this gallery! Who is its interior designer? Look at those notable paintings!

The wooden cupboard in my room, I wonder which carpenter made it.

The sink is clogged, do you know a plumber that can figure this out?

These museums are incredible!! I wish I can get to know the curators!

The tubes are so efficient, who is the mastermind of this transport project??

And the list goes on.

I don't mean to put the blame on modernisation of the world. But gazing at the awe-inspiring view of the beach in Brighton made me realise…

…how far I am from the Creator who has been granting me privileges, blessings and opportunities in my whole life. I am such a reckless person, who sometimes not being grateful with what has been given to me all this while. I might be one of the worst human being with inevitable forgetfulness as I live in this world. My whole life sometimes went blank, without having me realising that I am actually losing my connection with Him, the One who knows it all.

‘I miss that old life of mine’, sometimes my heart whispered to me silently.

The environment is too different now, physically and mentally. Too hard to keep myself on the right track. Too engaged with things made by manpower either, that I always forgot the ultimate end is not this impermanent world, which is not even eternal.

Little did I think of the power of remembering Him, the Most Powerful, the Most Generous. Little did I realise where these men’s knowledge come from. Little did I really know how great the Creator of these men. Little did I think about the lessons underlying all His creations in this world. Little did I know, how far I have wandered in the dark and eventually lost in my own aimless path.

I am glad that I actually took some time out of my worldly life to admire His wonderful creations, to ponder about the nature, to realise how close He is to me, no matter how much I have walked further and further from Him. I looked at the charming beachside view. The sea-engineer, the pebble stone inventor, the wave designer, the beach planner, the wind producer, the cloud painter. Every single amazing thing that I can see in this view…

They weren’t created by a group of people with different background of expertise and career…

They are all created by the only One and Almighty God. Created by Him, who has made me realize that I have been missing something in my life.

And I just realised that sometimes we just have to stop and stare, and keep being reminded of His blessings and love that He has always been showering us with :’)

 “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, and the sailing of ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind, and in the rain which Allah sends down from the skies, giving life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and dispersing therein every (kind of) moving creature, and (His) directing of the winds and the clouds controlled between the heaven and the earth; indeed are signs for a people who use reason (wise).”
[Al-Baqarah, 2:164]

How I wish I won't be wandering off and get lost again. But if I ever do, cause I'm just a normal human being; deep in my heart I wish ya Allah, I really really wish that you will always, always, always open Your door and guide me 'home' again and again :')



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